Hedy Klineman Videos


Hedy Klineman Video


American Pop Artist Hedy Klineman's short Bio-video. Shown are her recent screen-prints and paintings of "Buddhas in the Garden", a diverse exploration of images of Buddha statues collected by her over the years, submerged within her own gardens. Her "Deities" series was her concentration in the 1990's, exploring Easter Spirituality and Iconography. Since 2005, Hedy has worked on a series of "Ancestral Spirits, African-American portraits". A brief introduction is also given to her work from the 60's; Abstract Expressionism, the 70's Color Field Paintings, and her 80's Fashion Portraits. Ms. Klineman calls Manhattan home, the most diverse and energetic city on earth, where she has been active and engaged with the New York City art scene. She has known and painted fashion portraits of Andy Warhol and other famous artists and figures of the Art World. She also maintains a painting studio in Barbados when not in NYC.